Had the opportunity to see
Serenity at a preview screening at the lovel Regal Cinema in Chinatown the other night.
First, in case you're wondering, no, you don't have to have seen the show or read anything to enjoy the movie - it's just fine all by itself with no context. If you're a fan of the show or Joss Wheedon's other work, you'll get more out of it by knowing the backstory. On the other hand, you're probably not counting on my review to make the decision to see the movie. But just in case you were, SEE THE MOVIE!!!
It's funny, it's touching, it's sad, it's good versus evil, individual versus big government, all the fun things you want in a space movie. Plus a girl who totally kicks butt! (I think Joss has a think for strong, warrior women, but that beats the screaming, helpless female all to hell.)
I saw it with a crowd of the already converted, but everyone I heard talking about it later on the Metro truly enjoyed it.
I'm going to see if can get the soundtrack on iTunes. And trying to figure out when I can see it again (after MirrorMask).